Block lights wooden sculpture lamp

BLOCK Lights sculpture lamp

this image show how is made a block lights sculpture lamp by garco design

Block lights  is a wooden sculpture lamp, a concept of ambient lighting with a minimalist and timeless design, signed by GARCO design

Block lights è una lampada scultura in legno, un concetto di illuminazione ambientale dal design minimalista e senza tempo, firmata GARCO design.

block lights is a sculpture lamp designed by Garco design
wooden sculpture lamp made in Italy, signed by GARCO design. Block lights


Block lights, a wooden sculpture lamp!

Precious blocks of solid wood, assembled perpendicular to each other, give life to a single elegant and illuminated body.

A tribute to geometry and the concept of perpendicularity materialized in one of the raw materials most appreciated by lovers of craftsmanship: wood.

The dialogue between the unpredictable movements of the wood grain and the geometric reasoning of the block sculpture are an invitation to reflect on the artistic greatness of nature.

Pregiati blocchi di legno massello, assemblati in modo perpendicolare tra di loro, danno vita ad un unico corpo elegante ed illuminato.

Un elogio alla geometria ed al concetto di perpendicolarità materializzato in una delle materie prime più apprezzate dagli amanti dall’artigianato: il legno.

Il dialogo tra le imprevedibili movenze delle venature del legno ed il ragionamento geometrico della scultura a blocchi, sono un invito a riflettere sulla grandezza artistica della natura.

illuminated art piece

Block lights sculpture lamp

wooden sculpture lamp made in Italy, signed by GARCO design

The rear face of the vertical wooden block houses a 220v powered led light. The LED produces a light that can be considered atmospheric. Blocks lights is a sculpture that in the daytime shows its charm through the brilliant dialogue of the grain of the wood, but, in the absence of other sources of light, its most authentic essence is the silhouette it creates when lit and placed near a wall.

The block lights comes with an European plug. The light is not certified and is sold as illuminated art piece. 

This object is conceived and made in Italy.

La faccia posteriore del blocco di legno verticale ospita una luce a led alimentata a 220v. Il led produce una luce da considerarsi ambientale atmosferica. Block lights è una scultura che nelle ore diurne mostra il suo fascino attraverso il brillante dialogo delle venature del legno, ma, in assenza di altre fonti di luce, la sua essenza più autentica è la silhouette che crea quando accesa viene posta in prossimità di una parete.

La lampada a blocchi illuminati è munita di spina Europea. La lampada non è certificata e viene venduta come opera d’arte illuminata.

Questo oggetto è concepito e realizzato in Italia.

a timeless sculpture...

Block lights is a sculpture lamp all made in wood.
fine details

the details in brass and epoxy resin have a strong visual impact

solid wood

each block is of naturally treated solid wood

block-lights-scuplture-lamp-details- brass
absolute uniqueness

due to the nature of the material with which it is made, each lamp is a unique and unrepeatable sculpture.